The SAAM Mobility conference is now over! Thank you for your interest and attendance!
The conference proceedings are available on the CEUR portal.
You can also enjoy the video recordings and slides of the talks. Check the Agenda section.
About the Event
Increasingly autonomous, connected, intelligent and sustainable mobility in the future societies requires drastic software innovations that cross several research and innovation domains. This contributes to the rapid digitalization of contemporary societies. Current scenarios are characterized by constantly increasing demands of managing complex software constellations, rapid development cycles, while retaining high quality requirements for functional and non-functional requirements alike. A multitude of novel technologies – such as Edge Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Digital Twins, and Security, Privacy, and Trust Schemes – are being investigated in order to be adopted in the current ecosystem-wide arrangements, standards, and tool chains. The role of open source software and tool chains, such as OpenADx, is also emerging powerfully. Hence, designing, managing, and governing the next generation systems, software and services for the future autonomous and connected mobility solutions is set to become even more complex.
The conference proceedings are available on the CEUR portal.
You can also enjoy the video recordings and slides of the talks. Check-out the Agenda section
Technical topics of interest
Security and Privacy for Mobility
Artificial Intelligence for Mobility
Architecture for Mobility
Modelling for Mobility
Security icon by Fauzan Adiima, from the Noun Project
Artificial Intelligence icon by priyanka, from the Noun Project
Architecture icon by HeadsOfBirds from the Noun Project
Tree icon by Gacem Tachfin, from the Noun Project
- Keynote
- Session
- Demo
- Poster
- Sponsor
Technical Program Committee
The Technical Program Committee is an independent panel of expert volunteers and as such will do their best to judge papers objectively and on the principle of a level playing field for all.- Karl Andersson, Luleå University of Technology
- Paolo Azzoni, EUROTECH
- Alessandra Bagnato, SOFTEAM
- Ahmad Bani Jamali, University of Oulu
- Christian Berger, Gothenburg University
- Benoit Combemale, University of Toulouse, INRIA
- Maria Teresa Delgado, Eclipse Foundation
- Marco Jahn, Eclipse Foundation
- Erik Kamsties, Fachhochschule Dortmund
- Teemu Karvonen, University of Oulu, M3S Group
- Markus Kelanti, University of Oulu, M3S Group
- Lukas Krawczyk, Fachhochschule Dortmund
- Karl Heinz Krempels, Fraunhofer FIT / RWTH Aachen
- Zakaria Laaroussi, Ericsson
- Lucy Ellen Lwakatare, University of Helsinki
- Yod Samuel Martín, University of Madrid
- Ralph Mueller, Eclipse Foundation
- Tero Päivärinta, University of Oulu, M3S Group
- Ella Peltonen, University of Oulu, UBICOMP
- Ivana Podnar-Zarko, Univeresity of Zagreb
- Sowmya Ravidas, TU Eindhoven
- Jan-Philipp Steghoefer, Gothenburg University
- Sasu Tarkoma, University of Helsinki
- Burak Turhan, University of Oulu, M3S Group
- Alexander Viehl, FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Best Paper Award
We are pleased to announce that the SAAM Mobility Best Paper Award for 2021 has been awarded to Junhyung Ki, Sebastian Schildt, Andreas Hastall, Sven Erik Jeroschewski and Robert Höttger for their paper on ‘Eclipse KUKSA.val for SCR Anti-Tampering Monitoring in Heavy Vehicles’.
Organizing Committee
The Eclipse SAAM Mobility 2021 conference is co-organized by the Eclipse Foundation and the University of Oulu.
Conference Co-chairs
Pasi Kuvaja, Professor Emeritus, University of Oulu, Finland
Philippe Krief, Eclipse Foundation Europe, France
Program Committee Chair
Tero Päivärinta, University of Oulu, Finland
Teemu Karvonen, University of Oulu, Finland
Susan Iwai, Eclipse Foundation Europe, Germany