We regret to inform you that this conference has been canceled due to a lack of submissions.
We will try to find out why we had so few submissions, any feedback is welcome.
We hope to come back to you with a new iteration in 2023.
Stay tuned!
Technical topics of interest in Cloud Computing
Organizing Committee
The Eclipse SAAM on Cloud 2022 conference is co-organized by the Eclipse Foundation, ATB and the CERTH.
Conference Co-chairs
Sebastian Scholze, ATB, Germany
Dionysios Kehagias, CERTH/ITI, Greece
Philippe Krief, Eclipse Foundation, France
Program Committee Chair
Fulya Horozal, ATB, Germany
Marija Jankovic, CERTH/ITI, Greece
Marco Jahn, Eclipse Foundation, Germany
Silvia Miles, Eclipse Foundation Europe, Germany